Saturday 19 June 2021

Important message to all blog subscribers

Google recently announced that it would shut down some features of its Feedburner infrastructure, including the popular Feedburner email subscription service, in July 2021.

Following the deprecation, the "Follow this blog by email" widget on my blog will no longer be working from next month.

I have therefore integrated a new email subscription widget into my blog, using AddThis and MailChimp to set it up. The new widget will pop up at the top of the blog.


If you wish to continue receiving email updates from me, please resubscribe to "The Minimalist Translator" using this new email subscription widget.

Remember you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link in the subscription email. Alternatively, you can always access my content directly at or by following me on Twitter.

Thank you for following my blog!